Thursday, February 23, 2012


American Heritage Dictionary:  Lent

The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.

It's that time of year again to humbly give up something we desire.    So this year what will it be?  For Lent 2012 I'm giving up my 2 deliciously dangerous addictions, the 2 Cs:  Chocolate & Caffeine!

Already today I'm dieing for a pack of Peanut Chews and later tonight around 9 pm (during prime time TV) I know I'll be climbing the walls for a Pepsi.

Who else is giving up something for lent?  Cigarettes . . . . rum punch . . . . a relationship with a sizzling man or woman?  Let me know.
Right now I'm craving a Mr. GoodBar!  But no... no... no I'll just eat my apple.

 Best wishes to us all for carrying out this endeavor.  We're here to support one another.  Your comments please.


  1. Why not give up the T.V. and the chinese food? Most things on t.v. are re-runs and we eat more chinese food than they do.

  2. This truly is a struggle with addictions.
