Thursday, February 9, 2012

In Celebration of Black History Month

The above video was recorded during the 1963 March On Washington after Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his memorable "I Have A Dream" speech.

"How We Got Over"

Hoping that these encouraging words sang by the immortal Mahalia Jackson will comfort and inspire those of us who are facing many of the pervasive difficulties of life today:  Unemployment, Foreclosure, Eviction, and Homelessness along with a whole host of other negative life conditions that may be trying our souls.

Never give up on life!  Always trust that there are better days ahead!

By believing you can overcome any of life's negative circumstances you've already won half the battle to "Makin' It Over".


  1. This was recorded almost 50 years ago -- the situations and the strength needed to overcome them are still the same today.

    I love Mahalia.

  2. Nothing like music -- and inspired creators like yourself -- to lift the spirit! Thank you for sharing.

  3. thanks for the encouragement, good music always inspires me.

  4. Surprising and sad to realize how little things have actually changed.
