Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Already Forgotten Those New Year's Resolutions?

It's been said that if you fail to plan you plan to fail.

 Forgotten Those New Year's Resolutions Already?

Exercise three times a week . . . Lose weight . . .  Attain admission to an educational program . . . . Quit Smoking . . . . 

Generally people who claim not to make New Year's Resolutions believe they won't be able to keep them.  Surprisingly many of these people also assume most others won't attain them either

Yet we know that there are plenty of goal oriented people out there who have joined the gym this month and will still be active members when December 2012 rolls around. Some will have taken off over twenty pounds and be enviably toned.  There are also people who are sitting at their kitchen tables or desks filling out admission applications to institutions of higher learning and will be enthusiastically attending classes in September.

How do they manage to persevere while so many of us drop the ball?

 Have A Buddy -- Be A Buddy!

One helpful tip to attain any goal is to "Buddy Up" with someone else who is also seeking to accomplish a mutual objective.  Join the gym with a buddy. Then be sure to schedule time together to meet and discuss your struggles, setbacks, fantasies and achievements.  Having someone to account to is one of the building blocks to success. Partnering with someone who understands what you are experiencing might give you the support you need to overcome the obstacles to reaching your destination.

Even with a "Buddy” your tasks may seem overwhelming.  What then?

Question:  How Do You Eat An Elephant?        Answer:  One Bite At A Time!

The best chance for reaching your target is by chunking it down into smaller goals.  Start out by planning to lose five of the desired twenty pounds. Create a nutritious menu and exercise plan and keep track of your progress.  And don’t try to eat an entire elephant at one sitting! 

Remember to reward yourself after each small win. A trip to the movies, a walk in the park or a small inexpensive gift to pamper yourself will help you celebrate being a winner while staying on track to achieve your larger aspiration.  

Be Gentle With Yourself!

Expect setbacks.  You won’t always be able to make three visits to the gym or stop yourself from eating that extra slice of pizza (or two).  Possibly you won't complete those school admission applications as early as you planned.  Setbacks are part of the process of success.  Lean on your buddy to keep you on track.

 “One step at a time”, “Nobody’s perfect”, “I won’t quit until I reach my goal” are gentle mantras that can help us move past the negative thinking that can sabotage our efforts. Silent affirmations have assisted many people in cancelling out the negative self talk that can drag us down when we need to keep our spirits up.
Before we exit January reconsider those 2012 New Year's Resolutions and resolve that by following the above three steps to achieving your goals you will successfully attain your heart’s desire this year.  Good luck and Happy New Year!


  1. I resolve to start those New year's resolutions by December. I think I'll start with overcoming procrastination.

  2. I remain committed to my resolutions even though I've cheated a bit.Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. The buddy system is not only effective -- it's also fun! "Progress, not perfection" and "one day at a time" are some other slogans/mantras I've found helpful. I wish you the best with your 2012 goals!

  4. If I even remember my resolutions by the end of Feb. I should get a gold star.
